Wednesday, December 29, 2010
Jinnah and Shariah
Sunday, December 19, 2010
Bringing Family To Kuwait
Thursday, July 29, 2010
The Curious Case of a Suicide Bombing
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
Plane Crash and Us
Saturday, July 24, 2010
Mountain of Light
Sunday, July 18, 2010
Butt's secret mentor
That was one the one pieces of advice I got from a man, whose name I don't want to reveal at the moment. He was one of the best batsman I saw opening the innings. He just told me "watch the ball from the time it starts form the bowler's hand till it reaches you and let your body react to it." It has worked
Saturday, July 17, 2010
Asfandyar unfazed after suicide attack
By Faiz Muhammad
CHARSADDA, Oct 3: Investigators probing into the attack on Awami National Party chief Asfandyar Wali Khan in Walibagh on Thursday have claimed to have found important clues which could lead to the group behind the suicide bombing. Five people were killed in the attack.
“We have two leads and we are looking into both. It will take three to four days before we say anything with authority,” Additional Inspector General (Investigation) Safwat Ghayyur told Dawn on Friday.
According to him, the suicide bomber, of medium height and in his late 20s, charged towards the ANP leader who was exchanging Eid greetings with activists of his party in his ancestral Walibagh.
“I was there in my hujra and receiving Eid greetings. I had seen off about thirty-five people, when I saw this bomber running towards me,” Mr Khan told reporters.
“Policemen were firing at the bomber but there were only specks of dust. My bodyguard got hold of him and then there was a big explosion,” he said, adding that bombings could not deter him or his party from pursuing the policy of working for peace in the region.
The AIG said: “When the bomber was being frisked, he pulled himself away and started running towards Mr Asfandyar Wali. The Special Branch fired at him and that caused commotion.”The policemen and Mr Khan’s personal bodyguard also fired at the bomber.
The bomber is said to have received eight shots but that didn’t slow him down. He said it appeared that the man had been drugged and he did not feel any pain. “At one stage, he fell but got up again.”
Mr Khan’s bodyguard then shot at his forehead and as the bomber fell he detonated the bomb.
The investigators said the bomber was only 14 feet away when he started running towards Mr Khan but ANP activists sensed the danger and him inside the house.
The blast left five people dead, including the bodyguard, police constable Shabir Khan, ANP’s Buner district deputy president Shamsuzzaman Khan and bank officer Fazal Ghani.
Mr Khan and his family were flown to Islamabad immediately after the incident. Chief Minister Ameer Haider Khan Hoti and senior ANP leaders, who had rushed to the place, saw him off.
Body parts of the bomber have been sent to a lab for DNA test.
The explosion was so powerful that ears of the bomber were found about 200 meters away from the blast site.A team of FIA and the investigation branch of the NWFP police held differing views over the type of chemicals used in the bombing.
The FIA believed that it was a low-intensity phosphate/nitrate mix, but the police department said the suicide vest was made of plastic explosives.
The bomber had used a manual trigger which, according to the investigation team, was widely used in suicide bombings in the neighbouring Mohmand tribal region.
The group involved in two suicide attacks on former interior minister Aftab Ahmad Khan Sherpao in Charsadda was also linked to Mohmand Agency. But the investigators said it would be premature to say which group was involved.
“The manual mechanism used in the bombing points to links with Mohmand and not with Swat where suicide bombers use electronic circuitry,” an official said.
So far no arrest has been made.
Monday, July 12, 2010
FIFA's Rugby 2010 is Over!
The basics of Pakistan
Pakistan came into being on 14th August 1947. The basis of Pakistan was the "Two Nation Theory", which basically meant that Hindus and Muslims are a separate nation and no matter how much efforts are made to reconcile them, all such actions, in the end, would be fruitless. History has and current affairs continue to give us a shining proof of this theory. Who can argue on this point after reading the plight of thousands of massacred Muslim men, women and children, during their migration to the land of pure in 1947. Who can deny the Two Nation Theory, after seeing with our own eyes, the fate of thousands of Muslims burned alive on the whims of the Gujrat CM, the criminal Modi?
Nowadays a scheme is being brewed by the so-called liberals that Pakistan was designed as a secular state by our founding fathers. While befitting replies have been given to them on several forums and occasions but probably the most plausible reply to their claim is the 'Two Nation Theory' itself. If Pakistan was to be a secular state, then what exactly does the Two Nation Theory mean? Why did our founding fathers put forward the demands of Pakistan on the basis of the Two Nation Theory? What is the meaning of Quaid-e-Azam's historical address of 1940, wherein he said,
"Mussalmans are a nation according to any definition of nation. We wish our people to develop to the fullest spiritual, cultural, economic, social and political life in a way that we think best and in consonance with our own ideals and according to the genius of our people".
What does 'our own ideals' and 'genius of our people' mean? Doesn't it mean that 'our own Muslim ideals' and the 'genious of our Muslim people'? Why did they strive to make Islamic Republic of Pakistan when they could have very easily worked to make a safe haven in the secular United Republic of Hindustan?
Shouldn't the Quaid's ideal of 'Modern Islamic State' mean a state which will embrace all modernity as long as it maintains the state's Islamic identity?
I strongly believe that our so called liberal brothers are trying to play with the Quaid's words to only further their own wishes. Because nobody in Pakistan, nobody, is ready to believe the only other possible alternate i.e. the Quaid giving a false slogan to the Muslims of the sub-continent just to garner support. Nobody can ever believe that the unbreakable political integrity of the Quaid-e-Azam Mohammad Ali Jinnah would sink as low as the political integrity of our current fickle political elite. The Quaid's political stature even today, is untarnished and unblemished. On numerous occasions he has based his politics on pure integrity and firm belief. One of the shiniest examples of which was demonstrated when he declined to use such a high bargaining chip as the Nehru love letters.
Truth be told, it was the strong belief of both the Muslim leadership and the Muslim nation, in the slogan 'Pakistan ka matlab kya, la illaha ilAllah', that resulted in the birth of the miracle of Pakistan. For this slogan clearly indicated to every Muslim, that there are no wishes except for the wishes of Allah, and only HIS wishes would make the land of the pure a spiritual, cultural, economic, social and political super power.
Today Pakistan is burning. Pakistan is burning in conflict, despair, poverty, corruption, hopelessness and abject surrender. We today are divided and dis-illusioned. So much so that many of us have even started questioning the two nation theory. While some of us are wondering that how come this very Pakistani nation stood and braved the storm created in the sub-continent against the Muslims, by the jingoistic hindu majority with the help of the super power of that era, the British. How was it that we achieved our dream to have our very own Modern Islamic State?
For all those wondering and hoping for the birth of the same Muslim nation, the solution lies in our past. We need to reerect the 3 pillars of the Quaid and to restart the chant of the ever popular slogan. For only 'La Illaha IlAllah' would re-unite our divided nation; return the faith which makes us see the goal and not the challenges; and re-inculcate the necessary discipline, required to make us achieve our goals. For only 'La Illaha IlAllah' would give us Unity, Faith and Discipline to achieve the Quaid's dream of a 'Modern Islamic State'.
Sunday, July 11, 2010
Quran Explorer
Type in Urdu!
But still maybe if you want to impress someone then you can use the following link to do that.
You can type by clicking the keyboard OR you can type from your keyboard directly. The letter translations are pretty simple. e.g. H for 'Ha', K for 'Kaaf' etc.
Friday, July 9, 2010
Crowds At Edgbaston
Insignificant Particles of Sand

Saturday, July 3, 2010
Nokia N8
Thursday, June 24, 2010
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
Morgan does it for England
Pakistan has to do something about him.
How Eric Came to Islam
Why is Music Haraam?
In Surah Luqmaan, Allah Taala states,
And from mankind are those that purchase futile speech in order to mislead others from the path of Allah. Under the commentary of this verse, ibn Abbaas [Radhiallaahu anhu] states, 'futile speech' refers to music and things related to it. (Durrul Manthoor vol.5 pg.307).
Nabi [Sallallaahu Alayhi Wasallam] mentions,
'There will be people from my Ummah who will seek to make lawful fornication, wearing of silk, wine and the use of musical instruments.' (Bukhaari vol.2 pg.837).
Rasulullah [Sallallaahu Alayhi Wasallam] states,
'A group of my Ummah will drink wine calling it by other than its real name. merry will be made for them through the playing of musical instruments and by the singing of females. Allah will cleave the earth under them and turn them into apes and swines.' (Abu Dawud vol.2 pg.519)
Rasulullah [Sallallaahu Alayhi Wasallam] further mentions,
'Music grows hypocrisy in the heart just as water causes crops to grow.' (Bayhaqi vol.10 pg.222).
Allah Ta'ala Knows Best
Mufti Ebrahim Desai
Below is an excerpt from a Fatwa from Shaikh Baz. This is for some of my Arab friends who have more respect for Shaikh Baz (May Allah shower HIS blessings on him).

Woman Developing Seizures Because of Music
It seems that musical notes and medical conditions is something which has not been looked into by researchers. Who knows how many other medical conditions result because of Musical Instruments and Music.
Alhamdolillah music and musical instruments were banned in Islam 1400 years ago. They are totally haraam as per the Quran and the Prophetic Injuctions.
Friday, June 18, 2010
The Meaning of Noble Quran
If the link does not open, you can go to the website, click on Books and then find 'The Meaning of Noble Quran' in the list.
FIFA 2010 - Germany's Chances
Remote Desktop Manager Tool
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
Maciano - Amazing Goal
Who's there
Maciano who?
Well I don't know either, but he scored an amazing goal against Korea in FIFA World 2010. Check below.
Exchange 2007 Remote Wipe Feature
Who's there?
My Mobile just got stolen.
My confidential contacts were in it. I am afraid, our competitors will find out our customer information and try to steal them!
Well if you ever come across such a case, then keep in mind that if your users are on Exchange 2007 and their mobile devices are synching data from the Exchange server, you use 'Exchange 2007 Remote Wipe' feature, to wipe out all contacts from a device remotely.
Found it intereseting to share. More about it later...
Best Afridi Innings
Well I have been following Afridi's career since his first international one day innings. I have seen decimate opposition's bowling by scoring some of the fastest centuries human eyes have ever seen. But his recent century against Srilanka, has been 'the' best of Afridi centuries and one of the best from any batsmen.
Being 4 down, he promoted himself ahead of some of the reliable names like Akmal brothers and Razzaq. Immediately he took the attack to the opposition by two towering sixes.
But it was not all about bashing the ball around. He took a high percentage of singles and doubles. Some of the highlights were his towering sixes against the best off spinner in the world. Battling cramps and back aches, but not calling for a runner.
Too bad it was a century which went in vain, as we lost the match. But Afridi's mature innings, is what Pakistan needed to see from Pakistan's latest Test, One Day and Twenty20 captain. We needed to know that Afridi can be a mature person, since that is what is required from a test batsman and a test captain. Test cricket, which is infact real cricket.
Keep it up Pakistan.
Salman Butt drops a sitter, so whats new?
"Salman Butt's brain"
"Oh, so where is Salman Butt then?"
I am a huge fan of Butt's batting, but his catching. My God that is horrible. And I think the only solution is that our very own Samir Bhai has a one-on-one session with him. Samir Bhai is the only fielder I have seen that don't drop catches. Well how can you drop a catch, when you don't even attempt! So the only solution for Salman Butt is to stop attempting catches. When you don't attempt you don't drop.
Well Ahsan, in CricInfo commentary sums it up quite well.
Ahsan: "Butt can't catch anything that is in the air. Not even flu!"
FIFA 2010 - Germany Looking Good
Well even if you are not a huge football fan, you can't escape the FIFA world cup fever. One way or the other you tend to get caught up in it. Well I had caught it as well. And like every Pakistani, Brazil is the team I support. I don't see any link, but they look to be a country much like Pakistan. Out of all difficulties they have a team competing quite well in a major world event.
Anyways, I saw the German nailing of Australia (highlights only), and it looks that German have brought in a pretty decent team. They look nicely polished and are the most calm team inside the striking area. Their strikers are not rushing things up and always finding fellow strikers close by. I haven't seen Brazil, Portugal as yet, but Germany seems to have the best team as yet.
Shoaib Akhtar is back
We love him and we hate him, but whatever we say or do, we do watch him. Hope he bodes well for Pakistan cricket.
Saturday, May 22, 2010
Omer's Pathetic Innings Costs us the Finals
Waqar's captainship also left too much to be desired. Going in with 10 regular batsmen, he was unable to push his batsmen to play more aggressively and take risks therefore the selection didn't match exactly with the plan (if there was one). Bowling was also shoddy at times and we gave a lot of needless runs.
His inability to judge a player also came to the fore, as ordinary players with extra-ordinary ability to market themselves, are given more chances in the team. He remains a captain with no ability to judge the game of a player.
Anyhow it was a big achievement for Agility CC to come to the finals this year. Only last year we were unable to impress anyone with our performance in KCA. Credit of this year's impressive show goes to Khurram Salahuddin, who had the most difficult job in Kuwait Cricket i.e. putting eleven good players on the field. He brought in some new players and ensured that we had the best available 11 players on the ground.
During the tournament, Erfan and Asif impressed with the batting and Nisar impressed with his bowling, as we reached the finals without any loss.
Captaintainship of Kiran International also impressed me in the finals. He used his resources impressively and never gave a chance to any of our players to dominate.
Winning and losing is part of the game, but the purpose is to learn from our mistakes and improve our game and vision of the game. If ever an Agility team is fielded again, it would be good if we come back strongly and put consistent impressive shows.
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
Agility CC in Finals
Last year was pretty painful, since we were not able to lift any cup. But this year we have a good team and all in form players.
Fingers crossed, lets hope for the best. Would be posting some pics as well.
Friday, May 7, 2010
From Madina To Kuwait
I know that this would be the last part of your trip, but I am writing it first, because that part is still fresh in my mind and I can provide more details about it.
If you are going to Kuwait, Riyadh, Qassim etc, then you would have to follow the signs which take you towards the airport. Just a kilometer before the actual airport, you would find a sign taking you to the Qassim causeway. Follow that sign, till you find an exit for Qassim/Riyadh. Take that exit and then start on that road. It is a wonderful double road and wth proper signs.
If you are worried that you might not be able to reach, then a good thing would be to hire a cab and then follow the cab to the cause way. Another good idea would be to ask the guys at the petrol station about the Qassim causeway, Riyadh causeway or the causeway taking you to Hanakiya. Make sure that you are able to reach the 'new' causeway, beause I heard that there is an old causeway/dirt road, which might not be a good idea to travel on.
Make sure that before you reach the causeway, your tank is full, so that Petrol is the least of your worries.
Ensure that your navigator, keeps a look out for the city Hanakiya. If you find the sign for Hanakiya, then it means you are the right road. Normally Hanakiya would come on the same board, alongwith Qassim and Riyadh.
Just keep following the cities on the map, you don't need to take any exit, unless you plan to re-fuel your car or yourself. Just keep going on, ensuring that you keep a track on the cities so that you know that you are on the right path.
Just after Batra, you will find a nice rest stop, with nice clean washrooms, masjid, petrol station, grocery store and restaurant. If you can you can take a rest there.
Praying 2 rakaats, nafil, if its not time for regular prayers, would be a good idea as well. Prayers, as mentioned in a hadith, is 'thandak of your eyes', meaning it would be refreshing for your eyes and yourself as well. Make sure that its not the time in which praying is not allowed.
On reaching Zilfi, make sure that you view the beautiful orange sand, something which I haven't seen anywhere in the world. After Zilfi, make sure that you are following 'Hafar Al Batin'. After Hafar Al Batin' its just going towards Kuwait.
On reaching Kuwait you would arrive in 'Salem'. After Salem you need to reach the 6th ring and follow the signs to your home. Make sure that you pray two rakaats, nafil Shukraana, to thank Allah.
Monday, February 15, 2010
Lucky Draw Admission Policy!
Well it happened when I went for admission of my son to the International School & College of Pakistan, Khietan, Kuwait. Apparently the school has a string of funny admission policies, as last year the policy was 'first-come-first basis'. This year some parents lined up as early as 2 am in the morning. Little they knew that policy this year, has changed from stupid to absurd!
Although the whole exercise turned out to be fruitless for me, but I can't say that I didn't enjoy the experience. The whole arrangement was proper, fair and well managed and the credit goes to a sincere effort by the management and the teachers. The exercise didn't leave any doubt in anybody's mind except for one ambiguity. Nobody checked whether some smart guy has put 2-3 chits in the ballot box. Actually one unlucky parent did get caught up in the act, but nobody checked whether the other 'lucky' parents had tried to trick the system or not.
Well the inside story is that this is due to pressure from Kuwaiti ministry for private schools. They want good quality schools to open up for other nationalities as well. This I believe is due to the fact that they are unable to impart quality and cost-beneficial education to the residents of Kuwait. As a result of this they are now pressurizing Pakistani and Indian schools, to accept more and more candidates who are basically of arab origin. Hence accepting the fact that the arab children cannot get inside any school based on merit! A sad fact because its a fact related to one of the most intelligent nations of the world, who have forgotten why they were chosen by Allah for HIS book.
Another sad fact was that our educationists i.e. Pakistani educationists, have agreed to such an absurdity. We can accept 'selling of principals' from our fickle politicians, with whom no one has any expectation anyways, but its hard to digest from people who would be training our children! Probably it was better that my child is not taught by such teachers, who are going to teach him that principles and integrity are something which can be adjusted!
I am sure die-hard teachers and the management body of the school are going to differ with me that there was no other solution, but I think, that there is no other option than merit. If we want to benefit a particular community because of their backwardness, then I think we should help them in different ways and not offer them charity. A good way would have been training classes for parents as to how to train their children. etc
In the end, best of luck to the children who got the admission in the school. Please base your life and principles on pure merit and not luck. Work hard and don't leave things to luck and stupidity.
Friday, January 29, 2010
Sanawber Lebanease Restaurant
Just missed one thing and that was the sweets. We were so full that we couldn't even think about sweets at that point. Even though I had nothing for both breakfast and lunch. So will try that again definitely and update the blog.